Enjoying Carbohydrates and Debunking Diet Myths

In a world so strongly influenced by diet culture, carbohydrates are often labelled as something to be feared, with popular diet regimes like Paleo and Keto advocating for their restriction or avoidance. This demonisation of carbs fuels the belief that our worth is dependant on our dietary choices, and that certain foods or entire groups of foods are ‘bad’, and a judgement is attached to us consuming them.

Let’s debunk some of these diet myths, and remember that all foods serve a purpose in nourishing our bodies.

The Importance of Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are a fundamental food group which serve as a primary source of energy. Carbs are the food group which breaks down most quickly in our bodies, providing a great source of ready energy. Athletes for example often rely on carbs for a quick energy boost before training or competitions.

Brain Health and Mood Stability: Carbohydrates play an important role in supporting our brain health, being its preferred source of energy. Without regular carbohydrate intake, you may notice fluctuations in mood, increased irritability, and difficulty concentrating. Including carbs in your diet can help maintain stable blood sugar levels, preventing fatigue and cravings.

Stable Blood Sugar for Overall Well-being: Regular carbohydrate consumption contributes to stable blood sugar levels throughout the day. This stability can help reduce cravings and prevent the feelings of tiredness and fatigue often associated with erratic blood sugar levels.

Breaking Free from Food Restriction: Avoiding any food groups can lead to all-or-nothing relationships with food - the more we restrict something, the more we crave it, and the more likely we are to find it difficult to pay attention to our hunger-fullness signals when eating. Incorporating carbohydrates into your regular diet can help alleviate cravings and foster a healthier relationship with food.

Balanced Meals for Satisfaction: A well-rounded approach to nutrition involves a mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. This balance not only satisfies your hunger but also provides the necessary nutrients for sustained energy throughout the day.

Gut Health and Variety: Carbohydrates also contribute to gut health by providing essential fibre. A diet rich in fibre supports the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and helps prevent issues like constipation. Experimenting with different types of carbs adds variety to your meals, making the eating experience more enjoyable and diverse.

The Pleasure of Carbs: Let’s face it, carbohydrates are delicious. There’s a carb to suit everyone - bread, biscuits, rice, pasta, cake, fruit, yoghurt, sweet potato, chips, lollies, legumes, lentils… the list of delicious choices goes on an on.

Rather than succumbing to external food rules, it’s important to listen to your body's needs, embrace variety, and nourish yourself with a wide variety of foods, including carbs. If you’d like to learn more about your bodies nutritional needs, our team of non-diet Dietitians at Mind Body Well can help.