Who can you trust for nutritional advice?

Who can you trust for nutritional advice?

It seems everyone these days has something to say about nutrition. Eat this, don’t eat that, eat this with that in order to blah, blah, blah…..

With such a saturation of ‘advice’ about what to eat it can be difficult to find voices of wisdom amidst SO MUCH NOISE!

Sometimes he or she who speaks the loudest about nutrition is the one we’d be best not to listen to at all.

"I am Already Enough"... Radical Self-Acceptance

"I am Already Enough"... Radical Self-Acceptance

How many times have you said to yourself “I’ll be happy when I… (insert here – lose weight, find a partner, get a new job, get what I want from my Mum etc)”?

For many of us its all-too familiar to find ourselves waiting on something within or around us to change so we can find greater self acceptance and life satisfaction. Too often we find ourselves waiting on a future event to pick us up and launch us to where we want to be, a kind of magical thinking which takes us out of the present moment and tells us in a whisper (or a shout) that “I’m not ok just as I am”. Ouch. That kind of attitude can really hurt.

How to Frustrate an Eating Disorder Therapist

How to Frustrate an Eating Disorder Therapist

Let me set the scene… there I am, pants off, hot wax hovering just above my legs… when the inevitable question comes from the beautician.

“So, what do you do?”

Honestly, sometimes I lie when I’m asked this question. If I’m not in the mood for a difficult conversation in my off-duty hours, sometimes I say I’m a teacher. After all I figure that’s only partly untrue.

But today I’m feeling ready for a conversation so I tell her… “I’m a Psychologist”.