Yasmine Wong

Registered Psychologist


Yasmine provides therapy in both English and Mandarin

Available for in-person appointments at our Melbourne office, and also for Telehealth (video) appointments.

Yasmine is a Psychologist with a background in health psychology. She has a broad range of experience working in areas such as alcohol and other drugs, chronic pain, community mental health, trauma, and forensic settings. Yasmine provides a genuine and wholistic approach while tailoring therapy to meet the client’s needs in a safe space. She believes that the client is their own expert and views herself as the support person to help them achieve their goals. Yasmine is passionate about helping people with eating disorders, body image concerns, addiction, and other physical health issues.

Yasmine draws from evidence-based treatment modalities such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT). She is also aligned with the Health at Every Size principles and is committed to ensuring her clients feel safe and respected in her sessions. 

黄靖恬 (注册心理师)

 Yasmine 是一位拥有健康心理学背景的心理师。她在酒精和其他药物成瘾、慢性疼痛、社区心理健康、心理创伤和法医等领域有着广泛的经验。Yasmine的治疗宗旨是提供每位客户真诚和整体化的治心里疗,同时根据客户的需求量身定制治疗方案。在治疗的过程中,Yasmine 会提供一个属于客户的安全的空间, 务必让客户感受足够的安全感以便探讨任何的心理障碍。她也相信客户是最了解自己的专家,并将自己视为客户的辅助,引导他们实现治疗目标。Yasmine热衷于帮助患有饮食障碍、身体形象障碍、成瘾以及其他身体健康问题的客户。她使用的心理治疗和咨询基于科学证据,比如认知行为疗法(CBT)、接纳与承诺疗法(ACT) 和辩证行为疗法(DBT)。Yasmine 的从事方式也支持“健康至上”的原则,并相信任何的体型或体格的人士都需要被尊重对待,并致力于确保她的客户在会话中感到安全和受到尊重。

professional affiliations include:

  • Psychology Board of Australia (Registered)

  • Australian Psychological Society (Member)